School Uniform
- Grey/Navy trousers
- Grey/Navy skirt/pinafore
- Red and white checked summer dress
- Red sweatshirt/cardigan
- White/red polo shirt or white shirt/blouse
- Grey/white or black tights/socks
- Flat heeled shoes/sandals
Our School uniform is supplied by Stevensons. The PTA also offer regular second hand uniform sales at a reduced cost. Please find links to both Stevensons and the PTA second hand uniform sales below:
You can choose either standard cost postage and packing. Or if you need something in a hurry, choose their fast courier service. Once you have registered on the website, you will be able to download the most up-to-date uniform price lists and browse items by school year group.
Sports Clothes
All pupils should have a PE bag to hold their sports kit. PE kit should comprise of:
A swimming costume and towel will be required for swimming lessons in the summer term, more details will be given at the time. Goggles are optional.
- White t-shirt
- Navy shorts
- Plimsolls. Trainers are required for outdoor PE
- In the winter PE kits should include:
- Blue or Black tracksuit
- Long sleeved top and trousers
It is very important that all items of clothing, and other belongings, are clearly marked with the owner’s name at all times.
PTA Second-Hand Uniform
The PTA have a stock of used uniform which is sold to raise funds for the school, please refer to Our PTA for details.